The Church of Global Warming: ‘Lest thou convert all the nations to believe in the carbon religion -a great flood, fire and pestilence shall come across the lands’…
Flashback: UK Prof. Philip Stott: ‘From the Babylon of Gilgamesh to the post-Eden of Noah, every age has viewed climate change cataclysmically, as retribution for human greed and sinfulness’
Flashback: Luke Warmist Keith Kloor: ‘Extreme weather and disasters has become crack cocaine to the climate community. Many of them are now hooked’
NYT Oped Laments ‘Global Warming Scare Tactics’ – Ridicules James Cameron Warmist series – ‘Claims linking the latest blizzard, drought or hurricane to global warming simply can’t be supported by the science’…
‘The game is up for climate change believers’
James Lovelock: Obsession with health and safety is killing science – Students ‘are not being inspired in the same way that I was. Health and safety has infected nearly everything’
Watch Now: Fox News features Consensus Busting Heartland Institute’s NIPCC Study Debunking UN IPCC…
‘How the UN IPCC report was doctored to scare you’
Schoolchildren terrorised and brainwashed by green propaganda says damning survey…