It’s Official: 2013 was the 4th7th10th107th… warmest year since the Little Ice Age – ‘Statistically-insignificant-meaningless-hundredths-of-a-degree different’…
Atmospheric Physicist Dr. Fred Singer on Michael Mann: ‘The Hockey Stick is a manufactured item and does not correspond to well-established historic reality’…
Neil Young’s Hiroshima – Exhibit #10 in the Drama Queen Files – ‘Rockstar’s rhetoric about Canada’s oil sands is intemperate, offensive, and ill-informed’…
Neil Young Just Another Eco-Hypocrite: Opposes Keystone Pipeline but ‘chooses his own comfort over his convictions’…
Report: Fed scientists accused of ‘unjustifiably adding on a whopping one degree of phantom warming to the official ‘raw’ temperature record’…