Climate Scientists Mock AGW Hurting Banana claims: ‘Going Bananas – Another Climate Change Hustle’: ‘Higher temps associated with greater banana production & yield’
…New York Times Ethicist Takes Readers Question: ‘For my daughter’s high-school biology class, the students are required to take a public action addressing climate change’ – ‘Is it ethical for the school to require students to speak publicly on a specific issue?’
…Two high school students take on teacher over climate and win standing ovation
…The EPA is challenged in the Supreme Court over greenhouse gas regulations
…Sec. of State John Kerry Disappoints Warmists: ‘Science cannot prove that typhoon Yolanda was specifically the result of climate change, it is not possible to make that direct linkage at this point in time even though they are predicting greater intensity of storms’
…New paper finds Arctic sea ice is controlled by natural cycles – Published in Geophysical Research Letters
The paper adds to many other peer-reviewed publications finding changes in Arctic sea ice are primarily related to natural variability of ocean and atmospheric oscillations, storm and wind activity, and not changes in greenhouse gases.…
‘Why Did Reddit Ban Climate Change Deniers?’ Skeptics ‘were not capable of providing the science to support their ‘skepticism’ on climate change. The evidence simply does not exist to justify continued denial that climate change is caused by humans and will be bad.’
…‘Earth System Governance Project’: UK’s Tyndall Centre Using Public Funds To Promote Left Wing Agenda
‘A planned economic recession’: Global warming prof. Kevin Anderson – who has ‘cut back on showering’ to save planet – asserts economic ‘de-growth’ is needed to fight climate change — Anderson: ‘Continuing with economic growth over the coming two decades is incompatible with meeting our international obligations on climate change’ – Put simply, for the wealthier nations, ‘the necessary levels of 2°C mitigation and short-to-medium term economic growth are incompatible’