UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol: ‘Warsaw climate talks set 2015 target for plans to curb emissions and turn COP21 into a pledge & review?’…
EU gives 20% (sic) of their budget to demigoddess of climate change – ‘And people wonder why Greece, Italy and Spain are in a mess’…
Climate documents from 2007 ‘must stay SECRET’ – ‘Nobody can ever know the TRUTH of the U.N. ZERO ORDERS’…
Al Gore on media’s coverage of global warming: ‘The survival of human civilization is at risk. The news media should be making this existential crisis the No. 1 topic they cover’…
UK Guardian claims UN treaty can stop bad weather: ‘We are now at a tipping point that threatens to flip the world into a full blown climate emergency’ – ‘The clock is ticking, the temperature is rising, the oceans are swelling, and the body count is growing’…
Greenpeace warmist Perrett: ‘weather is getting much worse’ and he’d ‘absolutely’ risk Russian jail again…
‘Economic historian’ Richard Smith: In order to prevent CO2-induced bad weather, we need to ‘overthrow this global economic system and all of the governments’; replace with ‘an eco-socialist civilization’…