Hulk Actor Mark Ruffalo Claims Oil Causes Typhoons: ‘What happened in the Philippines must be stopped. Fossil fuels are enemy #1 to mankind’
Hulk Actor Claims Oil Causes Typhoons | FrontPage Magazine…
UN Advisor Jeffrey Sachs Claims Current Energy Policies ‘Partly Caused’ Typhoon — Those who disagree have ‘blood on their hands’
Watch Now: CNN’s Piers Morgan defends featuring skeptics in global warming debate, slaps down warmist guest Mark Hertsgaard
…UN drafts dire report on global warming — As climate panel must correct numbers — again!
…Good News Philippine President Aquino: Typhoon Haiyan deaths likely 2,000 to 2,500 — not 10,000
…Not Welcome: UN climate summit in Poland greeted by 50,000 angry Poles rallying against UN’s attempts ‘to steal away our liberties’
…94% of deadliest cyclones occurred with CO2 below 350. Worst ones happened during 1970 global cooling era
UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol slams IPCC Chair: ‘Pachauri is just such an embarrassment’
…Former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl: Typhoon Haiyan: similar unspectacular cyclones arrive every 2-3 years