Global warming activist scientists may not be the first to proclaim a doomsday year of 2047 as the end of time! — 2047 is the new 2012 — but global warming activists were beaten to Armageddon!
Global warming activist scientists may not be the first to proclaim a doomsday year of 2047 as the end of time. See: Oh No! ’2047 Is The New 2012!’ A new Mayan Calendar Deadline! ‘A climate plague affecting every living thing’ — AP: ‘Temps Go Off the Charts Around 2047′
A Climate Depot analysis has uncovered that 2047 has long been seen as a successor to 2012 as an apocalyptic date.
The website in 2011, answered the following question: “Why do people think the world will end in 2047?”
ANSWER: ‘Someone started this rumor because calendars on many cell phones go to 2047.’ Screen shot below:
Others have worried about the year 2047 for the same reason. A question posted on a BYU website on February 1, 2012, asked:
“My cell phone’s calendar ends on December 31, 2047. Does that mean that the world is going to end then, according to the obviously infallible Book of Verizon? I’m scared!”
Fear of 2047 is not just limited to cell phone users and global warming activists. A group known as “The Church of !BLAIR!” has long predicted that 2047 would be the end of times as well. September 14, 2047 to be precise.
According the website “Religious Tolerance”: 2047-SEP-14: According to The Church of !BLAIR!, the human race will probably be terminated at 3:28 AM (Soho, England time). The church teaches, with tongue firmly in cheek, that if the human race does not discard their plastic conformity, then the Gods will withdraw their protection. The Gods don’t want us to worship them; they don’t want sacrifices or even offerings. They just want us to rid itself of our excessive “Normalcy”. At that point, Astro-Lemurs (extra-terrestrials similar in shape to lemurs, but with rainbow colored bodies) will attack the entire human race and beat them to death with gigantic burritos. You have been warned. 😉 Unfortunately, the Church is no longer online to reinforce their warnings.
2047 has also been featured in Star Trek as the year Los Angeles “is struck by an earthquake and parts of the cities go to the sea.”
According to Wikipedia, “In SimCity video game, Rio de Janeiro is flooded due to global warming. A balkanized India enters a war.” And “in the real world, on July 1st, Hong Kong may end the one-country-two-systems regime with China, the guarantees will be over.”…
Oh No! ’2047 Is The New 2012!’ A new Mayan Calendar Deadline! ‘A climate plague affecting every living thing’ — AP: ‘Temps Go Off the Charts Around 2047′ – Climate Depot Round Up
Oh No! A new Mayan Calendar Deadline! ’2047 Is The New 2012!’ AP: ‘Temperatures Go Off the Charts Around 2047′ — ‘Starting in about a decade, Kingston, Jamaica, will probably be off-the-charts hot — permanently’ — ‘And eventually the whole world in 2047′ — AP’s Seth Borenstein: ‘To arrive at their projections, the researchers used weather observations, computer models and other data to calculate the point at which every year from then on will be warmer than the hottest year ever recorded over the last 150 years.’ — Doomsday dates for American cities: ‘By 2043, 147 cities — more than half of those studied — will have shifted to a hotter temperature regime that is beyond historical records…The 2047 date for the whole world is based on continually increasing emissions of greenhouse gases from the burning of coal, oil and natural gases. If the world manages to reduce its emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases, that would be pushed to as late as 2069, according to Mora.’ (So, if the world manages to reduce carbon emissions, we’d only gain 22 years before the world ends.)
World to roast by 2047, film at 11: ‘A new Vinerism has emerged: “Within my generation, whatever climate we were used to will be a thing of the past’
Real Science Quips: Borenstein : 2047 Is The New 2012
Prof. Camilo Mora: ‘Within my generation, whatever climate we were used to will be a thing of the past.’
‘We don’t know what the impacts will be. If someone is about to fall off a three-story building you can’t predict their exact injuries but you know there will be injuries,” said Camilo …
Warmists now concede world temps not outside of climate variability?! Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels & Chip Knappenberger mock new 2047 study: ‘Uh, correct us if we are wrong, but we already thought that global temperatures were reported to be at unprecedented levels in recorded history’
…Statistician Dr. Matt Brigs Mocks: ‘End Of The World Set For 2047. Plan Accordingly’
…Did Bob Geldof get advance copy of 2047 end of times study!? Musician-turned-activist Bob Geldof: ‘All humans will die before 2030′ due to global warming! ‘We may not get to 2030. We need to address the problem of climate change urgently’
Quick, Pass a Carbon Tax! Warmist Michael Mann says ‘end-of-climate-by-2047′ study may be ‘overly rosy’
…Meet Prof. Camilo Mora, the man who uses climate models to warn you of ‘The Coming Plague’ — ‘A climate plague affecting every living thing will likely start in 2020 in southern Indonesia, scientists warned Wednesday in the journal Nature’
…Quote of the Year: Climate Models Have Problems — NYT: ‘No one is sure how accurate they will prove to be at peering many decades ahead’
…NYTimes goes skeptic on end-of-climate-by-2047 study: Based on models with ‘acknowledged problems’ and uncertain accuracy
NYTimes goes skeptic on end-of-climate-by-2047 study: Based on models with ‘acknowledged problems’ and uncertain accuracy
The NYTimes reports: If greenhouse emissions continue their steady escalation, temperatures across most of the earth will rise to levels with no recorded precedent by the middle of this century, researchers said Wednesday. Scientists from the University of Hawaii at Manoa calculated that by 2047, plus or minus five years, the average temperatures in each […]…