UK Express: ‘The IPCC did not invite one single person who did not agree with its pre-decided obsession…This is not science’

It used to be that you spent staggering sums of public money when something had been proved beyond a scintilla of doubt.

Now these sums are being spent on fashionable theories. What really took the cherry was the bland assertion that although Earth’s surface temperatures were not rising there could well be such dangerous warmings in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Where we don’t have any monitors. So that’s all right then. Fat budgets all round and who needs real evidence?

Certainly not the IPCC.…

UN IPCC Reviewer Dr. Don Easterbrook on IPCC report: ‘It isn’t science at all—it’s dogmatic, political, propaganda’ — ‘The IPCC report must be considered the grossest misrepresentation of data ever published’

The 2013 IPCC AR5 Report: Facts -vs- Fictions

Posted on October 3, 2013

Guest essay by Dr. Don J. Easterbrook, Professor of Geology, Western Washington University

Mark Twain popularized the saying “There are liars, damn liars, and statisticians.” After reading the recently-released [IPCC AR5] report, we can now add, ‘there are liars, damn liars, and IPCC.” When compared to the also recently published NIPCC (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change) 1000+-page volume of data on climate change with thousands of peer-reviewed references, the inescapable conclusion is that the IPCC report must be considered the grossest misrepresentation of data ever published. As MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen stated, “The latest IPCC report has truly sunk to the level of hilarious incoherence—it is quite amazing to see the contortions the IPCC has to go through in order to keep the international climate agenda going.”

From the IPCC 2013 Report


After all these years, IPCC still doesn’t get it—we’ve been thawing out from the Little Ice Age for several hundred years but still are not yet back to pre-Little Ice Age temperatures that prevailed for 90% of the past 10,000 years. Warming and cooling has been going on for millions of years, long before CO2 could have had anything to do with it, so warming in itself certainly doesn’t prove that it was caused by CO2.


Their misrepresentation of data is ridiculous. In Fig. 1, the IPCC report purports to show warming of 0.5°C (0.9°F) since 1980, yet surface temperature measurements indicate nowarming over the past 17 years (Fig. 2) and satellite temperature data shows the August 13 temperature only 0.12°C (0.21°F) above the 1908 temperature (Spencer, 2013). IPCC shows a decadal warming of 0.6°C (1°F) since 1980 but the temperature over the past decade has actually cooled, not warmed.

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Fig 1. IPCC graph of temperatures. Fig. 2. Measured surface temperatures for the past decade (modified from Monckton, 2013)

From the IPCC Report


There just isn’t any nice way to say this—it’s is an outright lie. A vast published literature exists showing that recent warming is not only not unusual, but more intense warming has occurred many times in the past centuries and millennia. As a reviewer of the IPCC report, I called this to their attention, so they cannot have been unaware of it. For example, more than 20 periods of warming in the past five centuries can be found

New paper finds another amplification mechanism by which the Sun controls climate — Published in Quaternary Science Reviews

New paper finds another amplification mechanism by which the Sun controls climate

A paper published today in Quaternary Science Reviews reconstructs climate of the central Alps over the past 10,000 years and finds precipitation and floods were driven by changes in solar activity. The authors propose variations in solar activity and insolation cause widening and shrinking of the Hadley cell, and influence on the North Atlantic Oscillation [NAO] and Intertropical Convergence Zone [ITCZ]. The paper adds to many other peer-reviewed publications finding solar amplification mechanisms by which small changes in solar activity have large effects on climate.

The authors also find floods and heavy precipitation were more common during cold periods such as the Little Ice Age than during warm periods such as the Medieval Warm Period, the opposite of claims that warming increases precipitation and floods from increased atmospheric water vapor.
According to the authors, “We found that flood frequency was higher during cool periods, coinciding with lows in solar activity. In addition, flood occurrence shows periodicities that are also observed in reconstructions of solar activity from 14C and 10Be records (2500–3000, 900–1200, as well as of about 710, 500, 350, 208 (Suess cycle), 150, 104 and 87 (Gleissberg cycle) years). As atmospheric mechanism, we propose an expansion/shrinking of the Hadley cell with increasing/decreasing air temperature, causing dry/wet conditions in Central Europe during phases of high/low solar activity. Furthermore, differences between the flood patterns from the Northern Alps and the Southern Alps indicate changes in North Atlantic circulation.”

Fig. 6. Stacked flood records for the N- and S-Alps (100-year low-pass filtered) spanning (a) the past 10 kyr and (b) the past 2 kyr. Both representations show strong decadal- to millennial-scale fluctuations in flood activity. In a), gray areas and gray arrows mark periods with increased flood activity. In b), important historic and climatic periods characterized by rather high/low flood occurrence are marked with dark/light areas. LIA: Little Ice Age; MCA: Medieval Climate Anomaly; MP: Migration Period; RE: Roman Empire.

Fig. 8. Comparison of the Alpine flood reconstruction to records reflecting solar forcing, as well as to other climate proxy records and reconstructions: a) 30°N summer insolation (Berger and Loutre, 1991); Holocene cold events reported by (b) Wanner et al. (2011) (short gray bars) and (c) Bond et al. (1997) (with numbers 0–6); d) variations in TSI (Steinhilber et al., 2009) (50-year running mean with 100-year smooth); flood activity …