Monckton: Einstein changed the world in 30 pages — The IPCC bores it with 10,000
Monckton: Einstein changed the world in 30 pages — The IPCC bores it with 10,000
Lord Monckton writes at WND: I mean, come off it: If the science of Catastrophology were that clear, why would it need 10,000 pages of turgid, inspissate, self-contradictory, self-serving waffle to justify it? Einstein’s paper on relativity, “Zur Elektrodynamik Bewegeter Körper,” was just 30 pages long, and that changed the world. Remember what the men […]
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‘If climate data were a stock, now would be the time to SELL’
…More from the get-a-vasectomy-to-prevent-hurricanes guy, Eric Holthaus: — ‘What makes the IPCC so important is simple: They are required to agree’ – – IPCC ‘confidently projected dire consequences should world governments fail to act’
More from the get-a-vasectomy-to-prevent-hurricanes guy, Eric Holthaus
The world’s best scientists agree: On our current path, global warming is irreversible—and getting worse – Quartz[Eric Holthaus] What makes the IPCC so important is simple: They are required to agree. Last night, the group pulled an all-nighter to ensure that representatives from all 195 member countries agreed on every single word of the 36-page “summary for policymakers” (pdf). That instantly makes the report the world’s scientific and political authority on what is happening to the climate, what will happen in the future, and what needs to be done to avoid the worst impacts….Without jumping up and down on the desks of their computer terminals, this forum of scientists has done about as much as they can do. With this report, they have proven humankind’s impact on the climate, and confidently projected dire consequences should world governments fail to act immediately. Who is Eric Holthaus, and why did he give up flying today? | SciGuy | a blogI’m considered an expert in my field. I have to do something big, right now.Berger: So how much do you travel for your current job, and how big of an adjustment will it be?Holthaus: Right now, i work for a startup: Weathermob. Our goal is to revolutionize weather forecasting globally. In the last 10 days, we’ve been fundraising with VC’s in NYC, Boston and San Francisco. I have to travel a lot….I’ve used Skype for meetings before, and I can plan around the most important meetings by taking Amtrak.
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BBC pressured to silence skeptics — Warmists likened to ‘brain surgeons’, skeptics to ‘homeopaths’
BBC pressured to silence skeptics — Warmists likened to ‘brain surgeons’, skeptics to ‘homeopaths’
The Guardian reports: The BBC has been criticised for its coverage of the most comprehensive scientific study on global warming yet published. Prominent climate experts have accused the corporation of bias towards “climate sceptics” at the expense of mainstream scientists. Read more…
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Climate Depot Round Up: A New Climategate?! ‘UN IPCC Stands Accused Of Misleading World Leaders & The Public’
See earlier Climate Depot Round Ups of the New UN climate panel report here and here.
A New Climategate?! ‘UN IPCC Stands Accused Of Misleading World Leaders & The Public’ — ‘Did The IPCC ‘Fix The Facts’? ‘Discrepancy between climate models & observations was systematically hidden’ — ‘The full text of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report has been out for less than 24 hours and the tales of malfeasance are flowing already. Steve McIntyre has already blogged about some misleading behaviour by senior scientists involved in the review, but his post this morning is amazing, revealing how the discrepancy between climate models and observations was systematically hidden between the final review of the draft and the report issued to the public.’
Oh No! UN IPCC Co-chair Stocker warns about AGW: “In short, it threatens our planet, our only home’ — Change: How Long Will Earth Remain?
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry calls for abolishing UN climate panel: ‘We need to put down the UN IPCC as soon as possible’ — ‘As temperatures have declined and climate models have failed to predict this decline, the IPCC has gained confidence in catastrophic warming’ — Judith Curry, Professor and chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology: ‘Given the widespread nature of the infection and intrinsic motivated reasoning. We need to put down the IPCC as soon as possible’ — Key Points: There is a ‘growing realization that you can’t control climate by emissions reductions’As Temperatures Have Declined, The IPCC Has Gained Confidence In Catastrophic Warming — ‘With each successive decline in temperature, the IPCC has gained confidence that their exponentially increasing warming models are correct.’MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen Rips UN IPCC Report: ‘The latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence’ — ‘It is quite amazing to see the contortions the IPCC has to go through in order to keep the international climate agenda going’ — Former UN IPCC Lead Author Richard Lindzen: ‘In attributing warming to man, they fail to point out that the warming has been small, and totally consistent with there being nothing to be alarmed about’UN IPCC claim: ‘Since the 1950s, many