Watch Now: Skeptics Showcased in New ’50 to 1 Video Project’ — Climate Depot’s Morano Featured in 54 min. Unedited Interview



The 50 to 1 project

The 50 to 1 Project

What if I could show you that it’s 50 times more expensive to try and STOP climate change than it is to ADAPT to climate change? Well I can, in less than 10 minutes, right here in this video. New to the 50 to 1 project? This is the place to start!

Interview with Joanne Nova

Full length interview with Joanne Nova

Topher interviews Joanne Nova, a veteran science communicator and regular commentator on the ABC and many other places. Joanne speaks of her own journey and how she went from being a ‘veteran believer’ in Global Warming to being the high-profile skeptic she is today.

Interview with David Evans

Full length interview with David Evans

Topher interviews David Evans, former modeler for the Australian Greenhouse Office, now prominent skeptic. He explains the reasons for his change of mind and why he’s so become so vocal on the issue.

Interview with Anthony Watts

Full length interview with Anthony Watts

Topher interviews Anthony Watts, former weatherman and passionate believer in global warming, now world famous skeptic responsible for the ‘surface stations’ project which has found serious issues with the global temperature measuring network, and key figure within the ‘Climategate’ scandal.

Interview with Christopher Essex

Full length interview with Christopher Essex

Topher interviews Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics, who promptly ‘flips the checker board’ with questions about the very validity of such a thing as ‘Global temperature’.

Interview with Donna Laframboise

Full length interview with Donna Laframboise

Topher interviews Donna Laframboise, former journalist turned investigative author. Donna has critiqued the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s claims about itself, its authors and its peer review process, and found them very VERY wanting…

Interview with Marc Morano

Full length interview with Marc Morano

Topher interviews Marc Morano, accused ‘criminal against humanity’ and alleged ‘central cell of the climate denial machine’ and gets an insiders look into the politics and collateral damage caused by clumsy political responses to fears about climate change.

Interview with Fred Singer

Full length interview with Fred Singer

Topher interviews Fred Singer, atmospheric and space physicist and long time hero of the environmental movement, and finds out why he founded the NON Governmental Panel on Climate Change and why he’s taken a high profile stand against the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Interview with Henry Ergas

Full length interview with Henry Ergas

Topher interviews Henry Ergas, a high profile Australian economist with a lot to say about carbon taxes and emissions trading schemes, and discovers some of the underlying reasons why politicians love carbon taxes

‘Should climate change be added to the civil rights agenda?’

Should climate change be added to the civil rights agenda? | Environment |


Chances are, when you think about civil rights, environmental issues aren’t on the radar screen. But stop and think about it. Remember Hurricane Katrina?

The hurricane that leveled New Orleans showed that severe weather in low-income neighborhoods and communities of colour is a matter of life and death. The images from the storm are hard to forget: bodies floating in water for days and thousands of people stranded without shelter, waiting for help that was too slow to come.

It’s not difficult to see how injustice and inequality played out during Hurricane Katrina. Thousands of people were subjected to needless loss, suffering, even death — just because they didn’t have the resources to prepare and escape the storm.

What’s harder to see is the imminent threat that severe weather — occurring with increased frequency and voracity — poses to our communities. We should never again witness the kind of devastation and preventable suffering we saw during Katrina. That’s why we have to add climate change to our retooled list of what the civil rights movement stands for.

Climate change isn’t just an environmental issue; it’s about keeping our communities safe. It’s a matter of justice. Because when it comes to disasters — from extreme temperatures to storms like Katrina — people of colour are consistently hit first and worst.

African-Americans living in L.A. are more than twice as likely to die in a heat wave as other residents in the city, thanks to an abundance of pavement and lack of shade, cars, and air conditioning in neighborhoods with the fewest resources. Factor in a steady rise in temperature — last year was the hottest year on record in the U.S. — and we’re looking at an urgent problem.

Meanwhile, our communities are at the tip of the spear when it comes to pollution. Fumes from coal plants don’t just accelerate climate change — they cause asthma, heart disease and cancer, leading to 13,000 premature deaths a year. And people of colour are once again most vulnerable; 68% of African-Americans live within 30 miles of a toxic coal plant. That might help explain why one out of six black kids suffers from asthma, compared with one in 10 nationwide.

But that’s not the only reason we should pay attention. Fighting global warming – the right …

Not Syria-ous: Kerry takes break from war drums to push global warming at climate conference: ‘The science is clear. It is irrefutable and it is alarming’

Not Syria-ous: Kerry takes break from war drums to push global warming at climate conference

AFP reports: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday the evidence for climate change was beyond dispute but it was not too late for international action to prevent its worst impacts. “The science is clear. It is irrefutable and it is alarming,” Kerry told a climate conference in Majuro in the Marshall Islands in […]…

New paper finds a long-term decrease in fire activity: Published in Quaternary Research reconstructs fire activity in Israel and finds, ‘a long-term decline in fire activity over the past 3070 years’

New paper finds a long-term decrease in fire activity

A new paper published in Quaternary Research reconstructs fire activity in Israel and finds, “a long-term decline in fire activity over the past 3070 years, from high biomass burning ~ 3070–1750 years before the present to significantly lower levels after ~ 1750 years before the present. The paper corroborates several other peer-reviewed papers demonstrating a long-term decrease in fire activity and that current levels of fire activity are not unusual, unnatural, or unprecedented. 

Fire activity is shown in graphs f and g, demonstrating a long-term decrease in fire activity over the past 3070 years. The Medieval Warming Period is labeled as “MCA” and Little Ice Age as “LIA”. Graph b is a proxy of temperature and precipitation, which was higher during the MCA, Roman, and Minoan Warming Periods. Horizontal axis is years before the present.

Climatic and human controls on the late Holocene fire history of northern Israel

Nadine B. Quintana Krupinskia, , , 
Jennifer R. Marlonb, 
Ami Nishric, 
Joseph H. Streetd, 
Adina Paytand

a Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
b Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
c Yigal Allon Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, P.O. Box 345, Tiberias N/A 14102, Israel
d Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA


Long-term fire histories provide insight into the effects of climate, ecology and humans on fire activity; they can be generated using accumulation rates of charcoal and soot black carbon in lacustrine sediments. This study uses both charcoal and black carbon, and other paleoclimate indicators from Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel, to reconstruct late Holocene variations in biomass burning and aridity. We compare the fire history data with a regional biomass-burning reconstruction from 18 different charcoal records and with pollen, climate, and population data to decipher the relative impacts of regional climate, vegetation changes, and human activity on fire. We show a long-term decline in fire activity over the past 3070 years, from high biomass burning ~ 3070–1750 cal yr BP [before the present] to significantly lower levels after ~ 1750 cal yr BP [before the present]. Human modification of the landscape (e.g., forest clearing, agriculture, settlement expansion and early industry) in periods of low to moderate precipitation appears to have been …