OSFC Rapid Response on Obama’s Keystone XL Announcement Not To Approve Keystone XL Unless Determined First It Will Not Lead to net Increase of GHG Emissions…
As fossil-fueled planes continually roar overhead, Obama suggests that if you don’t believe that CO2 causes bad weather, you’re a flat-earther…
UN IPCC Lead Author Dissents over Obama calling CO2 ‘pollution’: ‘Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, not now, not here, not to us’ …
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘Will be interesting to see if anyone on the side of climate action will care that Obama’s plan begins w/ false claims about disaster trends’ …
Obama Dresses CO2 in a Big Bad Wolf Costume: The term ‘carbon pollution’ is used a further 13 times.…
Analysis: The President’s Climate Action Plan – the good, the bad, and the ugly: ‘Multiple citations of the crazy idea that carbon dioxide is ‘carbon pollution’…