‘It seems like everything is at an all-time high except the temperature’
…Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. on global warming ‘plateau’: ‘The divergence of the real world observations from the multi-decadal climate predictions, both in terms of forecasting the magnitude of global warming and of changes in regional climate, is finally initiating a much overdue scientific debate on the level of our knowledge of the climate system’
…Climate Depot’s Morano featured in Daily Caller about NYT warming ‘plateau’: ‘This is a continued retreat of the mainstream media when it comes to global warming’
…NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s Climate Fantasy: ‘City Hall urges preparations for Alabama-slammer summers with heat waves that’ll be hell, and high water from 10% more rain. A quarter of the Big Apple is predicted to be submerged under water by 2050’
…Mayor Bloomberg Predicts One Foot Of Sea Level Rise In The Next Seven Years
…Warmists claim: ‘The World Is Getting Warmer Faster Than Expected’ — But the article notes temps ‘will rise’ not that they have been rising
…NYT spins plateau’ in global warming: NYT: ‘The slowdown is a bit of a mystery to climate scientists.’ Real Science Response: i.e. ‘they are completely clueless’
…US Carbon Dioxide Emissions Fall as Global Emissions Rise: IEA: The U.S. is far and away the leader in reducing CO2 emissions, while China primarily is responsible for pushing global CO2 emissions higher. In fact, CO2 emissions growth in China more than offsets all the CO2 savings that we have achieved in the U.S.’
…New Peer-Reviewed Study: Polar Bear Population Growing Despite Declining Sea Ice
So, now we have at least two reports in the peer-reviewed literature that state flat out that the presumed negative effects of declining sea ice on a population’s size are indistinguishable from a population that is as large as it can get.
Hard to believe, isn’t it? Rather than being proven victims of Arctic sea ice in a “death spiral” due to global warming, when they finally present the data, biologists have to admit that they cannot actually tell the difference between a polar bear population that is so large that it can no longer increase and one that is suffering a population decline because of reduced sea ice.…