Congressional global warming hearing features warmist scientist vs. warmist scientist on key point of whether current Earth’s temps and weather are unprecedented

[Marc Morano Note: Video and partial transcripts of the Congressional climate debate coming soon:  Warmists Scott Denning and Jim Hurrell did not agree with each other on whether current temps are unprecedented in last 1000 years or whether there was an man-made global warming signal in current weather. Hurrell was alarmist with Denning being much less so. At one point, I told Hurrell, who studies models, that he had invested ‘faith’ not science, in the models. At another point, I pressed Denning on whether he agreed with Hurrell and Denning essentially admitted that he did not. Developing…  – Morano’s testimony here.]

CLIMATE: In coal country, believers and skeptics spar over warming

Jean Chemnick, E&E reporter

Published: Friday, May 31, 2013

[Complete article available from E&E Greenwire – May 31, 2013 – subscription required]

Congressional Democrats have pressed their Republican colleagues for three years to hold a hearing on climate change, and yesterday one did — in the heart of West Virginia’s coal country.

Despite having introduced a bill last week that would bar U.S. EPA from promulgating rules that would require the use of carbon capture and storage technology until a panel of officials from outside the agency deemed it to be economically and technologically feasible, Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.) hosted yesterday’s climate change forum in a technology park in Fairmont, W.Va.

McKinley’s office said “is fascinated by this issue” and read several books on climate change in preparation for the event, including Sen. James Inhofe’s (R-Okla.) “The Greatest Hoax,” which denies that man-made warming exists.

“The congressman’s take-away is that the science is still unclear,” said his office. “There needs to be open debate about this in Washington, and both sides need to be represented and simply talk.”

The West Virginia venue was chosen because McKinley wanted his constituents to be able to take part in the debate, his staff said. An effort was made to balance the invited guests between those who believe in climate change and those who do not.

“Many environmental groups declined to come as they felt it was not worth the discussion to come to W.Va.,” his office said. “But this was about bringing the debate to the citizens of West Virginia to hear both sides.”

Participants estimated the crowd at 70 people or fewer and said it appeared to be equally divided between skeptics and climate science believers. The …

Climatologist Dr. John Christy’s testimony at Congressional Global Warming Hearing: ‘Climate Change Overview in Six Slides’

Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.) hosted a climate change conference in a technology park in Fairmont, W.Va.

A mixed panel of warmistas and skeptics featured Marc Marano of Climate Depot, Scott Denning of Colorado State University, Jim Hurrell of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Joe Casola of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Annie Petsonk of Environmental Defense Fund, Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Dennis Avery of the Hudson Institute, and John Christy of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, who participated by satellite link.


Submitted Written Testimony of Climate Depot’s Marc Morano at Congressional Hearing on Climate Change: ‘The Origins and Response to Climate Change’

Submitted Written Testimony of Marc Morano, Publisher of Climate Depot & former staff of U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee 

Presented to Climate Change Summit in Fairview, West VA on May 30, 2013 – Congressman David B. McKinley, P.E. (WV-01) 

Congressional Field Hearing: ‘The Origins and Response to Climate Change’ 

Global Warming Skeptics Vindicated — Man-Made Global Warming Claims Collapsing

Submitted Testimony of Marc Morano – Publisher of Climate Depot

May 30, 2013 – I want to thank Congressman McKinley for hosting this Congressional field hearing on global warming. It is so rare to see a climate debate anywhere in the world, let alone a balanced hearing like this one. I am not a scientist, although I do occasionally play one on TV :). My background is in political science, which happens to be an ideal background for examining man-made global warming claims. I have been passionate about environmental issues since I began my career in 1991, having produced a documentary on the myths surrounding the Amazon Rainforest in 2000 and I was a fully credentialed investigative journalist who reported extensively on environmental and energy issues such as deforestation, endangered species, pollution and climate change.

In my capacity as Communications Director for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee under Senator James Inhofe, I was speech writer and hosted the award-winning U.S. Senate blog. I released the first ever U.S.  Government “Skeptic’s Guide To Debunking Global Warming Alarmism” in 2006. I also authored the 255-page Senate report of over 700 dissenting scientists on man-made global warming originally published in 2007 and updated in 2008, 2009. In 2010, the number of dissenting international scientists exceeded 1000. I am now the publisher of the award-winning Climate Depot and work daily with scientists who examine the latest peer-reviewed studies and data on the climate.

The scientific reality is that on virtually every claim — from A-Z — the claims of the promoters of man-made climate fears are failing, and in many instances the claims are moving in the opposite direction. The global warming movement is suffering the scientific death of a thousand cuts.

Global temperatures have flat lined for more than a decade and the peer-reviewed literature is now scaling back predictions of future warming. The U.S. has had the longest spell since the Civil War without a Category 3 or larger hurricane making landfall. Strong F3 or larger tornadoes are …