‘Winter’ – maybe even snow – to return for Memorial Day weekend –‘Snow possible for parts of the Northeast’

Wait, what? After warmist Suzanne Goldenberg frets that DC weather will be too cold for a late-May outdoor pool party, AP warmist Seth Borenstein says ‘I try to swim daily outdoors year-round in heated #YMCA pool’

Italian bike race canceled because of snow

Children Just Won’t Know What Summer Is: Scotland’s summer weather: snow and road closures

Netherlands – Coldest May 23 since 1901

Record cold in Oregon: ‘Coldest in more than 100 years in multiple locations’

Bavaria (Germany) summer starts with snow

Big snowfall for parts of Montana

Heavy Late Snowfall Shocks Newfoundland


Aussie’s ABC lets Bill McKibben get away with barking nonsense — ‘Really one degree is utter catastrophe’

WHAT TONY JONES COULD HAVE ASKED:  Yet Antarctic sea ice has hit record highs. Ocean pH measurements are even more uncertain that ones on ocean temperature. A “30%” range on a logarithmic scale is not as significant as it sounds, especially when ocean pH varies naturally by that much each day in some places, and many corals and fish seem quite capable of adapting.  As far as drought and flood go, Australia has always had both, there were waves of 50-plus temperatures right across Australia in the 1800′s. Most climate scientists admit there is no concrete evidence at all that current floods and droughts or storms are on the increase, let alone that it’s caused by CO2?…