Analysis: Climate Science Is In The Crapper: ‘No global warming for almost 17 years…Longest spell since the Civil War without a major hurricane hitting the US’…
NYT’s Andrew Revkin suggests that Marc Morano’s ‘prime interest appears to to be sustaining the fossil fuel era as long as possible’…
NOAA: Thirty Deadliest Tornado Years All Occurred Below 350 PPM — ‘The thirty deadliest tornado years from 1875 to 2008 all occurred below 350 PPM CO2’…
Analysis: ‘Bill Nye Makes A Fool Of Himself Again’ on Tornadoes — Rebuttal: ‘Tornadoes have been declining since the 1970’s’ — ‘Stronger tornadoes have also declined’ — ‘USA is having coldest Spring in years’…
‘According to the alarmists’ logic, because a tornado occurred and because the earth has gradually warmed in the century-plus since the end of the Little Ice Age, global warming must cause tornadoes – even when we are experiencing the fewest number of tornadoes in recorded history’…
Even the UN is embarrassed by Senators Boxer & Whitehouse: UN IPCC Chief Pachauri: Oklahoma tornado ‘can’t be related to manmade climate change… not possible. Scientifically… not valid’…
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Set A 2nd Daily Record in a row on May 21: ‘That is the 10th daily record for the year’…
UK Telegraph’s James Delingpole: Climate change caused the Oklahoma tornado? Crikey, these people are getting desperate!…