Bizarre: Forbes writer says Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy can help defeat global warming skeptics…
The Great Warmist Retreat: Financial Times: Global warming likely to be slower than predicted, scientists say…
Catastrophe Delayed: International Team of Scientists: Extreme global warming seen further away than previously thought — due to ‘slowdown’ of warming…
The Great Warmist Retreat: Heat Going Out Of Global Temperature Rises: ‘Global temp increases as a result of increased CO2 levels are likely to be lower than previously thought, an international research team has found’…
UN IPCC Lead Author Hans Von Storch Warns: Climate Scientists Have Been ‘Taking On The Roles Of Medicine Men And Priests’ — Accuses his colleagues of spreading panic…
Germany’s Der Spiegel Newspaper Trashes John Cook’s 97% Consensus Survey. Man’s Impact ‘Remains Hotly Disputed’…Only 10% Have Faith In Models…
Fact checking for the New York Times Editorial Board: Editorial claims ‘Climate warnings growing louder.’…
This is crazy — ‘Eco-psychiatry’: ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’. ‘Climate refugees’ with PTSD. Solastalgia, or grief for the changes in one’s home environment…