Poor being thrown off Ugandan land for carbon credits: ‘When you think about the effects of global warming hysteria, you might think of higher electricity prices, not people being thrown off their land and having their homes burned down’…
New Study: CO2 ‘has a lower impact on the climate than previously thought, & its effects are being over-estimated by the UN IPCC’…
Apocalypse delayed: Warmist Prof. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber Postpones Warming Another Decade! Now Warning Of +8°C Warming For Year 2200!…
New Climate Deniers: Global warming is speeding up! But Oceans eating 90% of it. So ignore surface temps…
Why March Was So Cold: ‘Forget about claims that it has all been caused by a missing ice cube six months ago. The freezing weather has been the result of the Arctic being much colder than normal’…
Turning Logic Upside Down: ‘Anti-intellectualism’ and retired realtor blamed for defeat of North Carolina [warmist] sea-level rise bill…
New book By Ronald Kessler – ‘In the President’s Secret Service’ describes Al Gore as ‘an egotistical ass’…