Stossel slams Michael Mann for ‘arrogance’ in refusing to debate Roy Spencer; John, we call it cowardice
…Climate change: ‘An elite affectation’ — ‘Rupert Darwall’s history of the idea of global warming shows how the belief in an impending manmade apocalypse emanated from the top of wealthy Western societies’
…Obama adds 9 cents to gas price — With new regs
…International Monetary Fund calls missing carbon tax ‘Fossil Fuel Subsidy’
…Cold wreaks havoc: Children won’t know what daffodils, swallows, wheat, or crawfish look like
…‘The Meltdown Of Global Warmists Reveals Their True Priorities’
…UK Telegraph: ‘It’s the cold, not global warming, that we should be worried about’ — ‘No one seems upset that in modern Britain, old people are freezing to death as hidden taxes make fuel more expensive’
…Analysis: ‘A carbon tax would destroy America’– ‘If you want to know what a carbon tax on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would do to America you need only look at the destruction of industry & business in Australia’
…Lewandowsky accused of defamation: ‘He’s been pinged for, how shall we say it, making claims that don’t accord with the records’
…Paper: ‘The Global Warming Climate Models Are So Flawed They Fail History’
Ou himself said that the “results show that climate models give a poor reflection of the actual changes in extreme precipitation events that took place in China” during the period he examined. “Only half of the 21 analyzed climate models were able to reproduce the changes in some regions of China,” he said. “Few models can well reproduce the nationwide change.”
Ou’s work is important. If the models can’t get the past right, how can they be trusted to predict future climate?…