Analysis: ‘The models are broken, by the standards warmists set’ — ‘The global warming pause extends by every measure to more than 15 years’

‘For RSS the warming is not significant for over 23 years…

For UAH the warming is not significant for over 19 years…

For Hadcrut3 the warming is not significant for over 19 years…

For Hadcrut4 the warming is not significant for over 18 years…

For GISS the warming is not significant for over 17 years…

Once warmists said 15 years of no statistically significant warming invalidated their models’


Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘Have global weather disasters become worse? As a proportion of global GDP since 1990, the answer is No.’

Data from Munich Re and United Nations. The graph shows a ratio of global weather-related disaster losses to global GDP expressed in 2011 dollars and calculated at market exchange rates. For a peer reviewed analysis which goes into some depth on this subject, see this Munich Re-funded study:

E. Neumayer and F. Barthel. 2011. Normalizing Economic Loss from Natural Disasters: A Global Analysis, Global Environmental Change, 21:13-24 (here in PDF).

They conclude: “there is no evidence so far that climate change has increased the normalized economic loss from natural disasters.”

Prof. Pielke Jr.’s full report here.

Yale Alumni Magazine profiles Michael Mann; features Climate Depot’s Morano saying ‘Mann is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with climate science today. He is a hardcore political activist’

The most hated climate scientist in the US fights back

(Selected excerpts here)

Michael Mann is taking a stand for science.

By Neela Banerjee | Mar/Apr 2013

Excerpt: But to critics like Morano, Mann is a glaring example of someone whose politics have shaped his research and who is spearheading a massive effort to dupe the American people. “The ‘climate con’ to which I refer is a lavishly funded climate machine that is lobbying for laws and uses every bit of data or new study to proclaim ‘it’s worse than we thought’ or we must act now,” Morano wrote in an e-mail. “Man-made global warming fears are a grand political narrative, not science.” Morano, the communications director of the advocacy group CFACT (Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow), has a BA in political science and has worked as a journalist and national television reporter and producer. He continued: “Mann is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with climate science today. He is a hardcore political activist, very thin skinned, does not take criticism well at all, and he surrounds himself within his own little world of supportive warmist activists.”

Mann doesn’t like the word “skeptic” to describe Morano and others campaigning against him. He and other scientists point out that science encourages skepticism, asking pointed questions and looking for evidence again and again. “So much of climate denial comes from ideology,” Mann says, his voice hardening. “If you’re only voicing skepticism about science that goes against your ideology, then that’s not true skepticism.”

(End Excerpt)


Below is reprint of Climate Depot’s publisher Marc Morano’s full written statement sent January 8, 2013 to reporter for Yale article:

Question 1. In reading your climate change comments and blog, I get the sense you consider the theory of climate change as a hoax. Would that be an accurate characterization of your views? If so, who is perpetrating the hoax and to what end?

Morano: No. the “theory of climate change” is not a hoax. The theory is based on the CO2’s greenhouse effect. But studies and data are showing rising Co2’s impact to be dwarfed by the hundreds of of other factors that impact climate. The “climate con” to which I refer to a lavishly funded (through govts, foundations, etc.) climate machine that is lobbying for laws and uses every bit of data or new study to proclaim “it’s

Snow cancels Congressional global warming hearing

Snow postpones global warming hearing — POLITICO PRO (see here for subscriber link)

3/6/13 6:13 AM EST

A House Science Committee hearing on global warming won’t go on after all — the committee’s environmental subpanel has just announced that it’s postponing this morning’s session on climate change “due to weather.”

— Bob King

(End POLITICO Excerpt)

Related Links:

Not again! Gore Effect in action: Congress scheduled to hold global warming hearing during DC snowstorm

DC Under ‘Winter Storm Watch’ for potential big snow Wed.

Factsheet on the ‘Gore Effect’– ‘Happens when global warming-related event, or appearance by Gore is marked by exceedingly cold weather/snow’

Watch Now: The ‘Gore Effect’ strikes global warming rally in DC — The ‘Gore Effect’ lives on!

Climate Depot’s Morano was on the scene as part of CFACT’s Light Brigade counter-protest

Gore Effect Lives On! DC global warming protest set to happen on ‘one of the coldest days of the entire year’

Forecast: Chance of Snow in DC

Factsheet on the ‘Gore Effect’– ‘Happens when global warming-related event, or appearance by Gore is marked by exceedingly cold weather/snow’

Gore Effect: Washington state: 200 global warming protesters greeting with freezing weather and snow

Climate Depot Factsheet on the ‘Gore Effect’ Phenomenon: ‘Happens when global warming-related event, or appearance by Gore is marked by exceedingly cold weather’