Propagandist Brad Johnson tries to make the pending East Coast blizzard about the ocean ‘warming –Fails
Geologist Dr. David Deming: ‘What would happen to U.S. if fossil fuel industry went on a strike of indefinite duration? What would happen if we gave the environmentalists what they want?’
New paper finds Amazon resilient to climate change due to CO2 fertilization — Published in the journal Nature
‘The boost to growth from CO2, the main gas from burning fossil fuels blamed for causing climate change, was likely to exceed damaging effects of rising temperatures this century such as drought’
Warmist Prof. Peter Cox of U. of Exeter does U-turn on Global warming & Amazon rainforest claims ‘I am no longer so worried about a catastrophic die-back due to CO2-induced climate change’
New study published in Nature: Global warming does not kill the Amazon rainforest
Renowned Forecasting Expert Dr. Scott Armstrong rips global warming claims: ‘Forecasters often use unscientific computer models’
Settled science: New study ‘shows that atmospheric gases can help clouds form in a way no one had ever considered’
‘…& that an observed decrease in cloud cover alone could account for all global warming observed since ice age scare of 1970’s’
UN IPCC 2001: ‘Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms’
1974 Shock News: Ominous Global Cooling Causing Droughts And Floods
Flashback 1975: Climate Scientists Wanted To Melt The Arctic – To Save The Planet From Bad Weather!