World Leaders at UN Climate Summit Face Riddle Of Lack Of Warming: ‘The most recent global temperature record, released this week, shows the avg. global temps fell last year for 2nd year’
Sen. Vitter Pushes Treasury for Transparency with Carbon Tax E-Mails — Also asks Geithner to provide economic reasoning for pushing carbon tax
EPA administrators invent excuses to avoid transparency
Heartland Inst. To Present ‘Citizen’s Petition to Rein in the EPA’ on Capitol Hill with Sen. Inhofe
New York Times Joins The Mayans: Paper goes full superstition asks ‘Is This the End?’ — ‘There had been warnings. In 2009, New York City Panel on Climate Change issued a prophetic report’
Has Kyoto protocol made any difference to carbon emissions?: ‘The first phase of Kyoto, the only international binding treaty on emissions cuts, has failed to slow global carbon emissions’
Briffa and Cook and Hughes et al, oh my: ‘A group of prominent paleoclimatologists has written a paper rebutting one of Michael Mann’s recent contributions to the scientific literature’
UN climate meeting opens with warning of global CO2-induced ‘catastrophe in the next generation’
We have heard it all before! 1950 Shock News: ‘The world’s weather is just crazy’ — Strange Atmospheric Events Causing Floods, Droughts, Polar Melting, Global Warming
UN IPCC Lead Author Richard Tol rips ‘the ignorance of journalists’ for claiming ‘Superstorm Sandy a sign of things to come’