WJAC-TV In Pennsylvania Investigates Local Impact of Coal Industry, EPA Regulations
Left-wing ‘watchdog’ group turns on Obama admin, demands investigation into EPA chief Lisa Jackson’s secret emails — Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
October Hurricane Strikes Occur One Third As Often As They Did During The 19th Century
A Hurricane of Global Warming Lies: ‘In the first 2 years of this current decade ‘exactly zero major hurricanes struck the U.S. Despite this, the calls for carbon taxes are being heard’
Actor Robert Redford Calls Climate Change Deniers ‘Narrow … Ideologically Driven’
Celebrate! Coal is the moral choice for world’s poor! 1,200 new coal plants planned worldwide ‘across 59 countries, with about three-quarters in China and India’
‘NASA Rewriting U.S. History’: ‘Ten years ago, NASA showed U.S. on 80 year long cooling trend…NASA now shows same period warming – with 1998 as the hottest year’
Another indicator that climate is falling off the threat radar: CIA shuts down Center on Climate Change and National Security
New paper finds Siberian temperatures 5,000 years ago up to 1.5C higher than today: ‘A paper published in Quaternary International reconstructs temperatures over the past 10,000 years’
New paper shows N. Atlantic Ocean cooled from 1953-2007: ‘New paper published in Nature Geoscience finds heat content of N. Atlantic decreased by 0.1×1021 Joules over 54 year period’