Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘New Nature Climate Change paper, over next 55 years it may be difficult to detect human caused climate change due to climate variability’
‘Another study last year, based on a reconstruction of temps back 21,000 years, also showed climate’s sensitivity to a doubling of CO2 was a median 2.3C (4.1 F), less than the IPCC estimate’
Reuters: ‘A minority of scientists who doubt that mankind’s emissions have much impact say that natural swings are the main cause of rising temperatures in recent decades’
Reuters: ‘A yet-to-be-published study says the atmosphere may be less affected by rising concentrations of CO2, the main greenhouse gas from burning fossil fuels, than expected’
Reuters: ‘Sun-dimming industrial pollution in China, or signs that greenhouse gases trap less heat in atmosphere than expected may help explain an apparent slowdown in global warming since 2000’
Warmist claim: ‘Without global warming, Sandy wouldn’t have happened’
Hurricane Sandy Not from Human-Caused Climate Change, Doctors Say
The Nation’s Naomi Klein: Communism to save windmills: ‘[A truly populist agenda] also means not just more renewable power but democratic community control over those projects’
Wait, what? Anthropology major & UN Chief Figueres openly admits that she’s influencing the IPCC’s output, which is a ‘critically important’ *input* to her organization
Late in article claiming climate policy is ‘advancing’ in states, WaPo warmist Juliet Eilperin gets around to noting that of 7 states initially slated to join W. Climate Initiative, 6 have dropped out