Paging The Media: Antarctic Sea Ice Aug 29 – highest since 2006: ‘There is 3.7 million sq km more than 2011’ — Is Expanding South Pole Ice the Canary in the Coal Mine?
Ice Free Arctic Update: Still Amount of Ice that is Twice The Size Of Alaska – Plus Texas
Where can you find out whether climate skeptics are conspiracy theorists? ‘NASA faked the moon landing — Therefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax’
New study claims ‘skeptics’ are nutters by asking alarmists to fill out survey: ‘This could be worst paper I have seen — an ad hom argument taken to its absurd extreme, rebadged as ‘science’
Lord Monckton mocks AMS’ new climate statement: ‘Disinformation Statement’ calculated to provide…scientifically-outdated misrepresentation of pseudo-scientific issues’
National Geographic: Global warming allegedly causes longer & more intense cold spells: also ‘human activity can be blamed for some 60% of observed rate of [Arctic sea ice] decline since 1979’
Der Spiegel: ‘Germany Hits Brakes On Renewable Energy’: ‘The share of renewable energies in power mix has shot up so high that electricity grid & subsidy framework has been unable to keep up’
Author Chris Horner: Journalists ‘Cover Energy And Environment Subjects As Liberal Activists,’ E-Mails Show
Europe’s Summer Heatwave Of 2003 Was Not ‘Unprecedented’: Amnesia Exposed Again rprise in W. Europe: Hot Summer of 1540 Was Significantly Hotter Than Assumed Record Holder 2003
Update: National Ice Center: 2012 Arctic Sea Ice still 1.5 million sq km above the 2007 low