Climatologist Dr. John Christy notes NASA’s Hansen admits his study motivated by ‘the need for the public to appreciate the significance of human-made global warming’
They Are Hoping That You Are Stupid: Warmists’ told us that last winter’s lack of snow in Eastern US was the new normal
Good News For Polar Bears Is Bad News for Global Warming Alarmists
Michael Mann: ‘it’s part of a trend, Katrina, the record season of 2005 was part of a trend towards more destructive storms’
Energy Dept. Gambles $500M On Schemes Private Sector Won’t Touch:’They’ve even got an agency dedicated to doing it’
Arctic ICE PANIC sparked by half-baked sat data
AP reporter Seth Borenstein claims ‘Globally, July was 329th straight month hotter than norm. Flip coin for 329 heads in row. Odds it’s random: 1 in 1.1 followed by 99 zeros’
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘U.S. midwestern drought has decreased in past 50+ years? That is not skepticism, that’s IPCC’