‘JULY HEADS FOR A RECORD-LOW TORNADO COUNT’ — ‘Summertime, & the twisters are missin’ — ‘July on track to produce fewer tornadoes than any July on record, & by a long shot’
History Of How The Hockey Stick Was Manufactured: ‘Erased the MWP & LIA, erased 1930s & jacked up recent temps. The past got cooler & the present got warmer’
Reality check on ‘New Dust Bowl’ hype: 2012 Nebraska corn yields still forecasted to be 20-40 times 1934 Nebraska corn yields
More on claims of ‘unprecedented’ Greenland melt: ‘Just because we have a shiny new satellite camera, doesn’t mean we are photographing ‘unprecedented events’
Warmist Kerry Emanuel now regrets his ‘ashamed to be an American’ quote. ‘I made a mistake…that was a foolish thing to say, because of course it got taken out of context’
Unprecedented Melt in Greenland?: ‘If there was any significant melting, the albedo of the ice surface would have dropped off visibly and dramatically. It didn’t change at all’
Michael Mann compares visitors to his Facebook Page to ‘Beetle Larvae’
Is a carbon tax insurance against climate change? ‘Only if you think paying many multiples of the insured risk in annual premiums is a form of insurance. It is simply a straight cost with no benefit’
NYT’s Revkin: ‘Unprecedented’ Greenland Surface Melt – Every 150 Years?’ NASA ‘badly blew it earlier this week’ with press release– Laments ‘burst of hyperventilating coverage’
It has been foretold: New York Times reviewer calls new warmist climate book ‘500 times scarier than Nostradamus’