Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on another tax funded solar company failure: ‘This is all part of their plan to subside energy that doesn’t produce and ban energy that does produce’
Yet Another DOE Green Failure as Abound Solar Goes Bankrupt
Wash. Post: Global warming no longer Americans’ top environmental concern, poll finds — ‘I really don’t give it a thought’
Sen. Inhofe on Global Warming’s Drop in Polls: ‘The irony is that the president who promised to slow the rise of the oceans has presided over the complete collapse of the global warming movement’
New paper finds Northern Rockies fire activity was highest when CO2 levels were ‘safe’
World’s Lakes Show Global Temperature Standstill
LA Times: It’s Not About Telling The Truth Any More: Claims ‘Global warming in our backyard… The reality of climate change is hitting home. It’s time to plan for hotter days and rising sea levels’
June 1933 : Hottest June In US History – And The Worst Spring Drought
Heidi Cullen Says That The Fires Of 2012 Are Due To Your SUV — If So, Then ‘The fires of 1910 were due to your great grandfather’s horse’
Warmist Bill Nye: ‘…We had a 30-degree temperature drop in Maryland and Virginia this weekend, in just – in a half-hour. These are consistent with climate models’