Climategate’s Michael Mann Reveals Why He Refuses To Debate — He ‘would have been laughed off t he stage’ for his uninformed claims
Turning carbon into gold: UK court liquidates CO2 broker: ‘Company alleged to have misled private investors by comparing near worthless carbon credits to gold’
Analysis: NASA’s Hansen ‘Makes A Fool Of Himself In Boulder’: Hansen claims ‘Temperature anomalies are causing wildfires to be more frequent, more destructive’
Angus Reid Public Opinion Survey: ‘Global Warming Skepticism Higher in U.S. & Britain than Canada’
STUDY: Kardashians Get 40 Times More News Coverage Than Ocean Acidification | Media Matters for America
‘U.S. will halve reliance on Middle East oil by 2020 & could end it completely by 2035 due to declining demand and rapid growth of new petroleum sources in W. Hemisphere’
Puzzler: After the D.C. Circuit court explicitly said that they didn’t ‘re-weigh the scientific evidence before EPA and reach our own conclusion’ —
Left-wing warmist movie-watcher Roger Ebert: ‘Colorado is on fire and Global Warming is real. Deniers are psycho kneejerks’
Dem Rep. Henry Waxman of Calif. ‘Irrational At Every Level’: ‘Waxman is a typical global warming idiot. Colorado just went through a decade of unusually low fire activity’
World Cooling To Global Warming: ‘Increasingly, [warmists’] warnings of impending doom & their character attacks on their opponents will be performed before empty houses, as in Rio’