If Green Agenda is to Succeed, Most of You Will Have to Die: ‘Prophets of green apocalypse have been forecasting doom & devastation to occur ‘in next 10 or 15 years” for the past 50 years or more’
Greenland is melting less quickly than 80 years ago: ‘55% of the retreating glaciers were retreating at a faster rate 80 years than in recent years’
Latest HadCRUT Analysis Confirms Slight Global Cooling Trend Last 15 Years
Global warming’s real argument: We’re poorer than you are: ‘The global warming alarmism that has pretty much faded from public concern always has been transparently fraudulent’
Does Climate Money matter? Is a monopoly good for a market? ‘All Greenpeace could find from Exxon was a mere $23 million for skeptics over a decade…’
Report: ‘Obama flies his barber in from Chicago every 10 – 14 days’
Climate ‘Deniers’ Winning the War: ‘The belief that CO2 is causing catastrophic climate change is the driver for today’s energy policy’
Aussie Alan Jones Talks with Morano: ‘People cannot control the weather. Tim Flannery believes by passing carbon taxes he will be able to control floods, droughts, hurricanes, & global temps’
Warmist Peter Sinclair int. with Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘We may lose the war in the end’
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Global warming’ relegated to back burner — ‘This is a stunning turnaround from 2006 to 2009’