Former NASA Scientists, Astronauts to Attend Heartland Institute Climate Conference, May 21 – 23 in Chicago
The NSIDC Arctic Ice Controversy, A Timeline: Why were Arctic ice ‘adjustments’ made at such a key time?
Update: Fellow Forbes columnist trashes Steve ‘burn your house down’ Zwick
Earth Day Special: Media’s Top 25 Wackiest Env. Quotes — Time Mag. Editor: ‘I would freely admit on [AGW] we have crossed the boundary from news reporting to advocacy’
NYT’s Justin Gillis at it again! Touts ‘online poll’: ‘NYT decides to cheer about the public misunderstanding and speculate on its possible political usefulness’
Michael Mann denies solar influence on weather: ‘The small measured changes in solar output and variations from one decade to the next are only on the order of a fraction of a percent…’
‘Surging’ Sea Level Rise Will Be Focus Of Senate Hearing
NSIDC’s oops moment – uncoordinated changes make for an interesting 24 hours
Warmist Steve Zwick in Forbes wants ‘denialists’ homes to burn! ‘Let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn’ Zwick’s org.’s email: [email protected]
Watch Now: Sen. Inhofe may be joining Climate Depot at UN Rio Earth Summit in June! Inhofe: ‘I think Marc Morano and I will probably go down to that one’