Sen. Inhofe Congratulates Obama on Big Green Endorsements: ‘By imposing backdoor cap-and-trade regs through EPA, he is fulfilling his promise that energy prices would ‘necessarily skyrocket’
The Religion of Global Warming: ‘All the trappings of religion are here: Original sin: Mankind is responsible for the prophesied disasters..The need for atonement and repentance’
New book calls belief in man-made climate change ‘a pagan religion’ –‘It’s a piety that they repeat over and over’
Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook: More fatal flaws in the Shakun et al. Nature paper claiming that CO2 preceded late glacial warming [Part 2]
New paper finds sea level changes since 1950 have been due to natural variability — ‘Finds no evidence of accelerating sea level rise’
Rational Warmist Keith Kloor on environmentalists’ ‘broken-record messaging and inexorable slide into irrelevancy’
Why isn’t anyone talking about the failure of Obama’s ‘Green Economy?’
New analysis finds water vapor is a negative feedback
Glaciers on Asia’s largest mountain range getting BIGGER — ‘Some 230 glaciers in the western Himalayas – including Mount Everest, K2 and Nanga Parbat – are actually growing’
Industry, enviros agree: EPA lying about plans for greenhouse gas rules