TED2012: James Hansen: Climate change is ‘like a giant asteroid that’s on course to hit earth’
‘Peter Gleick Lied, But …’ — Global-warming Alarmists Justify His Crime, Deception
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming
RIP: Andrew Breitbart dies at 43 — Climate Depot saddened by our friend’s death — Andrew was a true media revolutionary
Watch Now: Sen. Inhofe on Fox News on how climate fears are used ‘to redistribute wealth’
Listen Now: Climategate’s Michael Mann claims public fails to believe in climate fears because ‘there is some degree of scientific illiteracy in U.S.’ — ‘Honest people’ are ‘easily led astray’
Sen. Inhofe tackles global warming & Gore: ‘I think the power got to Gore, & he became less and less realistic, and it was an obsession with him’
Which side is ‘well funded’!? U.S. Government Climate Change spending 2011 VS Heartland Inst. spending