HadCRUT Coverage : Worse Than It Seems: ‘The map shows typical HadCRUT land coverage in 1860s. Land coverage is well below 10%,yet global temps are reported to 0.001 precision. A complete farce’
Two more scientists change sides in the AGW debate: Der Spiegel featured a 4-page exclusive interview with Vahrenholt, where he repeated that the IPCC has ignored a large part of climate science’
Atmospheric physicist Dr. Fred Singer says Climategate revealed ”The people who did the IPCC reports were essentially crooks’
Climategate update: Climate Audit’s McIntyre catches the University of East Anglia in a web of lies
GOP hopeful Santorum on global warming: ‘An absolute travesty of scientific research…I for one never bought the hoax’
Americans Gaining Energy Independence With U.S. Emerging as No. 1 Producer: ‘The U.S. is closest it has been in almost 20 years to achieving energy self-sufficiency’
Aussie Geologist Dr. Bob Carter rips warmism: Scientific research drowning in a sea of alarmism
Mexico: Cut emissions to save marijuana crop? ‘Apparently the pot crop has been harmed by drought’
Read all about it: Climate Depot’s round up of UN’s ‘sustainable development’ efforts
UN’s Sustainable conference in Rio finds AGW panic unsustainable Environmentalists throwing global warming under the bus
‘Environmental governance’: 100 countries back French proposal to create a ‘World Environment Organisation’ at UN’s Rio Earth summit – ‘It should be part of a rethink of the world’s economy, in which green issues and social questions should be integrated into the search for profit…’The new capitalism which emerges from the crisis has to be environmental, or it won’t be new…We are looking for a new kind of environmental governance, something more inclusive, in which all parties have a stake and it’s not just governments which have the right to speak’
S. African activist slams UN’s ‘Green Climate Fund’: ‘Government to govt aid is a reward for being better than anyone else at causing poverty’ — ‘It enriches the people who cause poverty’ – ‘The UN is saying to poor countries: ‘Those of you who adopt more anti-prosperity, anti- jobs, and anti-growth policies — under the pretense of environmentalism — we will enrich you’
Flashback: ALERT: German Climate Advisor ‘proposes creation of a CO2 budget for every person on planet!’ Climate Reparations: ‘West would give back part of the wealth it has taken from the South in the past centuries’
UN IPCC’s Pachauri: There is a huge need to re-orient higher education for sustainable living – ‘We have to create a body of citizens who carry a global vision of the problems that humanity is facing today and the solution which work. At the core of this vision is the protection of this planet and preservation of our eco-system’
What Pachauri Means by ‘Sustainable’: ‘When the IPCC elected him chairman in 2002 they chose a political activist to lead what is supposed to be an impartial scientific body…for Pachauri the word sustainable is shorthand. What he’s really talking about is a campaign to eliminate world poverty. That’s an ambitious goal. Why would he not set his sights a little lower and attempt to eliminate poverty in his home country of India first?…he also believes that people in rich countries should be transferring more cash to people in poor countries. This amounts to a rather naked argument that organizations such as his own, operating in countries such as his, deserve funding. …
CO2 Causes Contempt for Childhood: UNESCO sees children less than 6 years old are seen as ‘instruments’ ‘for the achievement of a sustainable society’ that ‘we’ must make them ‘understand deeply…’