The Pathetic State Of Science Journalism: ‘Many have become advocates for science that are too close to the scientists they report on’
UN chief: Binding climate deal may be beyond reach: ‘Without exaggeration, we can say the future of our planet is at stake’
South African Media Covers Skeptics: ‘Group of scientists dismiss climate change scare’
Team knew ‘hockey stick’ reconstruction was wrong
2000: Warmist Phil Jones goes to ‘solar variability and climate’ conference
2003: Michael Mann on what ‘the community’ should do to punish a journal that dared to print dissenting views on climate
Climategate 2.0 – yes, they’ve been lying to you: ‘If they sound like a gang of school bullies, it’s because that’s precisely what they are like, with climate science being the school yard’
Watch Now: Skeptics parachute into UN Climate Summit — CFACT & Lord Monckton drop from 10,000 feet to deliver message about Climategate 2.0
Skeptics Invade UN Climate Summit! Climate Depot/CFACT press conference at UN Summit in Durban S. Africa to feature Sen. Inhofe — Wed., Dec. 7 — 15:30 (8:30am ET) Room Kosi Palm (ICC Level 2)
The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow
7 December, 2011 Christina Wilson +27 791833988
Media Advisory
CFACT press conference to feature U.S. Senator Inhofe
Wednesday, 7 December, 15:30 Room Kosi Palm (ICC Level 2)
On Wednesday, 7 December at 15:30 CFACT will cosponsor a press conference with U.S. Senator James Inhofe in Room Kosi Palm (ICC level 2).
On Tuesday, CFACT conducted a highly publicized parachute drop which called attention to Climategate 2.0 (details including usable video of the drop and Lord Monckton jumping from the plane at
The Wednesday press conference will feature an analysis from Senator Inhofe of the prospects of a new climate treaty in the U.S. Senate. The conference will also feature the release of Marc Morano’s (editor in chief of new report “From A-Z” which details troubles and failings in what has been falsely proclaimed by global warming advocates to be a “settled scientific consensus.”
“Climate Depot’s new A-Z report reveals that the great man-made global warming catastrophe that was predicted – has been cancelled.” Morano said. “The scientific reality is that on virtually every claim — from A-Z — the claims of the promoters of man-made climate fears are failing and in many instances going in the opposite direction. The global warming movement is suffering the scientific death of a thousand cuts. This Climate Depot special report categorizes and indexes the full range of climate developments in a handy A-Z reference guide from the Antarctic to Polar Bears to Mount Kilimanjaro to Sea Levels to Global temperatures to hurricanes and tornados.”
Nobel Prize nominee, Leon Louw, Executive Director of South Africa’s Free Market Institute, will discuss the devastating impact climate policy has had on the economies of both the developed and developing world and the crippling hindrance it poses to the poor.
South African nuclear physicist Dr. Kelvin Kemm will discuss global warming policy providing a unique South African analysis.
Lord Christopher Monckton, freshly rested from his parachute jump to call attention to Climategate 2.0, will explain exactly why it would be a mistake to adopt a new treaty in Durban along the lines of the failed Kyoto Protocol.
“Secretary Figueres is telling the COP that she can obtain a new commitment period in Durban.” Said CFACT Executive Director Craig Rucker. “After she hears what Senator Inhofe has to say, she may want to reevaluate her wishful thinking.”…
Top UN Climate Official Christiana Figueres was trained by Al Gore — Figueres trained and authorized by Gore to deliver his scientific views