Inhofe Laughs at the Annual UN Global Warming Conference — Says it’ll be a lonely celebration in Durban
Climategate 2.0: Wigley writes to Hulme and Jones: ‘must get rid of von Storch too’
Federally Funded Arctic & Greenland Stupidity: ‘We do have a new normal. [Warmists are] constantly making completely unsupportable claims while climate conferences are happening in exotic resorts’
How ‘robust debate’ evidently works in climate science: Insider presents hypothesis; soon-to-be-outsider tries to disprove hypothesis; insider suggests that outsider be fired
You thought they were saving the planet at Durban? ‘Why wouldn’t 14,000 people want to go to Durban to talk about saving the world from global warming…’
Physicist slams: ‘Stefan Rahmstorf convicted as a liar…Major co-perpetrator of RealClimate.ORG and 2 °C limits found guilty’
Major UN IPCC Climategate Scientist — Stefan Rahmstorf — Becomes Joke, Found Guilty By German Court
Warmist Fred Pearce in 1996: ‘in the past 5 years, climate researchers have growing increasingly aware of how little they really know about the natural variability…’
UEA’s Tim Osborn: ‘it is becoming increasingly obvious that solar variations are important’
NYT’s Revkin Denies Bias in Climategate Coverage