Climate Audit: New Information on the Penn State Inquiry Committee
Analysis: ‘Uncanny Parallels Connect the Jerry Sandusky & Michael Mann Cover Ups’
Meet the Wacky Shrink: Warmist Psychologist Thomas Doherty links global warming to 9/11 terror attacks — Says skepticism is a ‘psychological defense mechanism’ [email protected]
UK: Threat of trace amounts of invisible, harmless, natural atmospheric gas (CO2) likened to the threat of Hitler’s tanks
1853: 40 Degree Water And An Open Sea At The Pole Scientist mocks: Today, the Arctic is the fastest warming place on Earth, which is why it is colder there now than it was 160 years ago’
UN’s Durban Plan Kaput: EU ‘Coalition Of The Willing’ Seems Doomed
Terry O’Sullivan, head of Laborers’ Int. Union on Keystone pipeline project: ‘The [Obama] admin. chose to support environmentalists over jobs — job-killers win, American workers lose’
Sen. Inhofe Calls for Investigation into Alleged Human Rights Violations Sanctioned by UN’s Climate Policies: ‘20,000 Ugandan farmers brutally kicked off their lands’
WashPost: Before Solyndra, a long history of failed government energy projects
Report: 80% of DOE Green Energy Loans Went to Obama Backers: ‘4 out of every 5 renewable energy companies backed by Energy Dept. ‘run by or primarily owned by Obama financial backers’