UN IPCC 5AR: no climate change for next 20-30 years: ‘New IPCC report plans to say that science doesn’t know whether CO2 has an effect on most climatic observables’
UN IPCC Shocker: Actually doing science now?! ‘The IPCC authoritatively encourages Al Gore, Joseph Romm, & similar unhinged warmist crooks to eat their personal piles of feces’
UN IPCC retreating from alarmism?! ‘Has IPCC finally gotten the issue of extreme events right? Maybe so’
‘Penn State investigation of Michael Mann should be reopened…Money more important to Penn State than the truth?’
Peer review is f***ed up: ‘The extended peer review in the blogosphere was far more substantial than the papers were likely to receive in the normal peer review process’
Bizarro world: Now NPR suggests that air pollution is ‘good for the planet’ — ‘Cleaning up the air, while good for our lungs, could make global warming worse’
Analysis: The chemistry of ocean pH and ‘acidification’ ‘There are reasons to assume that marine life will not be overly affected by an increase in ocean acidity due to atmospheric CO2’
Rep. Henry Waxman: ‘Having no [climate] policy will have horrible consequences’ — Waxman literally believes Congress can legislate the weather!
Shock Finding: Dam in China not making Topeka weather more fickle — Study: Three Gorges Dam Did Not Worsen Climate Change
WWF admits it: The main element in UN climate talks is ‘directing giant cash flows from rich countries to developing nations’