Media recognizing Roman Warm Period?! NY Times: ‘…broad pattern of warmth in the N. Hemisphere, possibly caused by an uptick in the sun’s energy output’
Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. highlights a new paper supporting astronomical influence on earthly climate
IPCC’s Prediction That CO2 Will Cause High Temperatures Found Wildly Wrong, Scientists Confirm
New study shows temperature in Greenland significantly warmer than present several times in the last 4000 years
‘Global temps show no change despite a 33% increase in global Co2 emissions’
New emails show White House, VP office ‘orgasmic’ over Solyndra deal: ”They about had an orgasm in Biden’s office when we mentioned SOLYNDRA’
October Snow Cover Has Increased 30% Since Hansen’s 1988 Testimony”
Warmist Chris Mooney: ‘Conservatives Attack and Misunderstand A Book They Haven’t Read’ [Note: Book cover is a spoof image]
Cap & Trade’s Failure Means It’s Time for a Carbon Tax: ‘We don’t have a good price signal on carbon, and we need it’
Victor Davis Hanson: The global warming issue is ‘deader than a doornail’ — Global Warming — RIP