Sea Level Falling 2.5 mm/year Since The End Of 2007
Yet Another One Bites the Dust! U.S. Wildfires Dropping 10% Per Decade: ‘US Govt’s National Interagency Fire Center reports US wildfires occur half as often as they did 50 years ago’
NCDC data shows that the contiguous USA has not warmed in the past decade, summers are cooler, winters are getting colder
Arctic Ice Extent Has Increased 85% Since September: ‘Arctic autumn temps have been coldest in at least a decade, & possibly since 1996. That is why the record fast freeze is occurring’
Brian Williams’ of NBC & His Failing Memory: ‘Williams claims that heavy snow didn’t happen when he was a kid…in fact his childhood experienced the most severe snowstorms in historical record’
New Zealand ‘fart tax’ is ‘deeply unpopular’: ‘Would charge farmers for harmful gas emissions from fertilisers and livestock’
Warmist analyzes Climate Depot’s TV debate with Yale Prof. on Overpopulation: ‘Morano provides his litany of examples of ‘global warming distortion’
Judges for endangerment litigation identified: EPA to win? ‘Petitioners suing EPA on global warming may want to surrender now and save the legal fees’
EPA chief Lisa Jackson says skeptics’ effort to get Michael Mann’s e-mails through FOIA are ‘criminal’
A third of Irish elderly ‘must choose between eating and heating’: ‘Just under a third (30%) of elderly people said they had to chose between eating and heating’