Michael Mann wades into the UVA thicket as intervenor — Mann’s lawyer ‘reprises dark conspiracy theories’
Warmist Muller: Scientists ‘Endorse Al Gore Even Though They Know What He’s Saying Is Exaggerated and Misleading’
Climatologist Dr. Pielke Sr. on LA Times Article Claiming ‘Snowtober’ Fits UN Climate Predictions’ — ‘You Have Got To Be Kidding…To claim this fits with IPCC climate predictions is ridiculous’
Snow, a thing of the past? Record Snow Continues For The Fifth Straight Year — ‘Three of the four snowiest N. Hemisphere winters have occurred since 2008’
IPCC Snow Forecast Fail: In 1995,the IPCC predicted: A ‘striking’ retreat of mountain glaciers around the world,accompanied in the N. Hemisphere by a shrinking snowcover in winter’
IPCC Lying About Their Past — The Claim ‘Snowtober’ fits U.N. climate change predictions is WRONG
White Coke Cans Fund Polar Bear Myths
Muller: ‘The rise in temp is small, 1.6 degrees, but it is real…We’re not sure how much of that is due to humans but the global warming models predict that it would be about that much’
Muller trashes WashPost’s Eugene Robinson: Muller is asked: ‘WaPo’s Eugene says what Dr. Muller says proves that these skeptics are wrong and they gotta get on this cap-and-trade train’
Muller: Climategate a ‘scandal’, ‘terrible’, ‘shameful’ ‘Some people say that I proved there was no Climategate. No! The Climategate thing was a scandal’