Flashback: Gore Praises Romney for Belief in Man-Made Global Warming
Romney Morphs into Skeptic?! ‘Romney now says: ‘We don’t know what’s causing climate change on this planet’
Flashback: After pressure from Climate Depot, Gingrich finally ‘regrets’ 2008 Gore climate ‘loveseat’ ad with Pelosi
Is Huntsman next!? Romney becomes a full-fledged ‘denier’? It made him stammer, but he did it
Warmists Outraged: ‘Romney Flips To Denial’: ‘We Don’t Know What’s Causing Climate Change’
Has Newt given up the green ghost?: Ginrich’s ‘tortoise campaign] is steadily advancing. As much as we like what he’s saying now about the EPA, will the real Newt Gingrich please stand up?’
Muller Data Proves That He Is A Skeptic: ‘CO2 rose at an unprecedented record rate over last decade, & temps went down’
Fizzle: Alarmist academics doubt impact from Muller: ‘Report would ultimately have little effect on discourse, because Muller chose to publish before they underwent review process’
Climate alarmists as numerologists: ‘Any special importance attributed to the figure 350 ppm is nonsensical’
Catholic Archbishop George Pell: ‘Carbon credits like medieval indulgences’