Politico reports on Romney’s link to Holdren: ‘Morano pointed to Romney’s consultation with John Holdren…who now heads the White House’s Office of Science and Tech. Policy’
Climate Depot featured in Politico: GOP Pres. candidates are ‘focusing boldly on fossil fuels, whereas in the past, they would have at least given more lip service to renewable energy’
Federal Judge Delivers ‘Bittersweet’ Polar Bear Ruling: Fish & Wildlife Service cannot use the Endangered Species Act to regulate greenhouse gas emissions’
Quick Flood Facts: ‘The world’s ten deadliest floods all occurred before 1976. The historical flood record is horrific. Here is a small sampling of news stories’
Hurricane Facts: ‘According to NOAA, they have been on decline in US since the beginning of records in 19th century. The worst decade for major (category 3,4,5) hurricanes was 1940s’
Wash Post: ‘This year is proving to be considerably cooler at the global level’ — ‘Potentially leading to questions of whether global warming is abating’
Donna Laframboise’s new exposé book on the IPCC: ‘Blooming brilliant. Devastating’ — ‘Shines a hard light on the rotten heart of IPCC’ says Lead Author of IPCC Richard Tol
Bill Clinton’s secretary of labor Robert Reich: Obama ‘isn’t even talking about the environment any more. Yet climate change is a reality, and our survival depends on reducing carbon emissions’
UN carbon dioxide swindle market has shrunk by nearly 80% since 2007: Ambitious Climate Limits Needed to Rescue UN Market, EU Says