No Change in Storminess: ‘Evidence from throughout the scientific literature is showing that storm activity around the planet is not increasing in activity’
Romney’s Bad Appointments Are Starting to Add Up: ‘Romney also worked on cap-and-trade idea with Douglas Foy — another global warming proponent’
Federal court: ‘No CO2 regulation under Endangered Species Act: Federal judge ruled against effort by environmentalists to force Fish & Wildlife Service to regulate greenhouse gases under ESA’
Holdren Fallout: Huge ‘strike two’ emerging on Romney: ‘Mitt is into this climate change fraud: ‘No wonder Al Gore has a soft spot for Mitt’
Obama Admin Accused of Hiding Official UN Climate Panel Correspondence from Freedom of Information Act Requests Using Former Romney Adviser John Holdren
Physicist Mocks NYT for failing to understand why global warming movement has collapsed: NYT did not mention ‘ClimateGate, it hasn’t mentioned the stable temps since 1998 or 2001’
Romney’s Bad Judgement: ‘If you think the Pol Pot analogy is extreme you should look into Holdren’s history’
New Study: The Sun, not Man, warms the Earth: ‘German climate researcher has discovered that the surge in solar radiation that began in 1700, peaked in 1960 & is still at historically high levels’
Greens buy 4x4s to save them from global cooling: UK council spent £1 million on new fleet of 4x4s to ensure roads are kept clear, given the predictions of blizzards
NYT: Whatever Happened to Global Waming? ‘It’s become a lightning rod, it’s a four-letter word’