EPA cut corners on climate finding
EPA fallout: Prof. Pielke Jr. on the ‘Selective Importance’ of Science Integrity Guidelines
Gore: ‘Members of Congress are obsessed with appeasing special interests in return for campaign funding’
Gore: America has suffered a ‘breakdown in democratic governance’– ‘Our democracy has been hacked’
Daily Caller’s Editor’s Notebook: 230,000 reasons to get an EPA story right
NYT: ‘All The Lies That We Can Fit In One Paragraph’
Senator Barrasso: EPA Inspector General Slams EPA for Skipping Scientific Standards
1111 Days Since An Actual Hurricane Hit The US: NOAA claims that a hurricane hit U.S. this summer,but none of weather stations recorded sustained hurricane force winds’
How the US’s Climate of Opinion Changed: ‘The global warming fad is waning’
Economic Euthanasia: More Poison Pills From The EPA