Bravo! GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann calls Man-Made Climate Change ‘Manufactured Science’
Temperature analysis: ‘Temps in different regions & seasons moved in different directions at the same time. While one region or season was cooling another was warming’
Warmist Media claim: ‘Rick Perry’s lack of belief in the global warming hoax may cost him the votes of people who still believe in the global warming hoax’
Memo to GOP, do not be duped by wind power! Campaign advice for ‘all of the abovers’ — Toss Wind Out!
NASA scientists: Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations; ‘Rising greenhouse emissions may tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat’
Carbon dioxide may cause shark attacks: ‘Impact on shark behavior from overfishing and from global warming, which affects ocean temperatures and currents’
Warmist claims: ‘Beginning today the average human being must not emit more than 2 tons of CO2 per year in order to avoid dangerous global climate change’
Lindzen-Choi 2011 published: ‘You may be interested in single result: climate sensitivity (warming from CO2 doubling) is 0.7 °C or, at a 99% confidence level, between 0.5 °C and 1.3 °C’
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Rick Perry Gets It on Global Warming….he has almost overnight deflated the prospects of Mitt Romney’
PBS and Global Warming Skeptics’ Lockout