‘In a Climate Where Science is Being Raped by Political Correctness, Can the Scientific Method Be Restored?’
Climate Models Not So Good For Crop Prediction: ‘Despite the ‘global warming’ that has occurred over past 100 years, global crop production just keeps on increasing’
Researchers Suggest Link Between Obesity & Global Warming: ‘Global weight loss would result in a drop in the production of the major greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide’
NYTimes: Polar bear-gate a ‘minor sideshow’
More News On The ‘Green Job’ Scam That Politicians Have Wasted Tax Payer Monies On
Latest trial starts in $7 billion EU carbon fraud
‘It’s too hot to kill’ — D.C.’s murder rate plummets as temperatures soar: ‘Violent crime rises with temperature –but only up to a certain point’
Father Of Global Warming (Prof. Arrhenius) Believed That Doubling CO2 Was A Good Thing
Warmist ‘David Suzuki insults, but won’t debate’ — ‘As the climate scare fizzles, Canada’s celebrity environmentalist resorts to ad hominem attacks’
S. African UN scientist: ‘The assumption that earth’s climate is influenced by global warming is no more than a fairy tale…Human influences are no more relevant than those of ants in an ant hill’