Don’t miss it! No wonder Monnett is in hiding! Transcript of Monnett being grilled about his polar bear claims: Q: ‘I’m a little confused of how many dead or drowned polar bears you did observe…’
Laugh at Monnett’s Polar Bear ‘research’ — Flashback: U.S. Senate Report Debunks Polar Bear Extinction Fears
Paging Warmist Polar Bear ‘Expert’ Charles Monnett! He goes in hiding — ducks NYT’s attempt to contact him: ‘Monnett did not respond to a voicemail message’
Warmist Randy Olson slams Climate Depot for targeting Gingrich: ‘Morano is sending an anti-American message at this point. Plain and simple’
Warmist Randy Olson: Criticizing warmist Newt Gingrich is anti-American
Sky-high hole blown in AGW theory?
New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hold In Global Warming Alarmism
Al Gore’s ‘drowned polar bear’ AIT source under investigation
Main polar bear alarmist put on leave, investigated Physicist: ‘It seems increasingly likely that the research backing the global warming doctrine is corrupt at every conceivable level’
Scientific Crap: Arctic scientist who prompted global warming fears for polar bears — now under investigation for ‘scientific misconduct’