Climate Cops: UN security council to consider ‘green helmets’ force to intervene in climate conflicts
Climate ‘bombshell’: ‘CERN in Geneva—will soon announce that more cosmic rays do, indeed, create more clouds in earth’s atmosphere. More cosmic rays mean a cooler planet’
Rising CO2 causes unprecedented DECREASE in worldwide drought: ‘There has been an unprecedented decrease in world drought severity over the past 30 years’
Global precipitation fails to obey theory of global warming: ‘There has been a slight decrease in global precipitation over past 30 years of global warming’
Warmist Heidi Cullen plays climate astrology card — uses all of her PHD for this claim?! ‘Weather isn’t what is used to be!’ [email protected]
Flashback January 2007: Weather Channel’s Heidi Cullen Calls for Decertifying AMS Global Warming Skeptics
Flood Death Toll: ‘2010/2011 saw over 1,000 people die in floods around the planet — But this graph compares 2010 vs. 1931 –when mo than two million people died in floods’
Little Ice Age Storms Killed Tens Of Thousands Of Europeans
Mitt Romney Corrects His Stance on CO2
This is Deceased Warmist Stephen Schneider’s ‘Sound science’ legacy?! Climate Freak Show: ‘Speakers include Ben Santer; Naomi Oreskes; Joe Romm; Michael Oppenheimer & Teresa Heinz-Kerry’