Warmist turned almost skeptic Prof. Judith Curry on new study: ‘I have argued previously that IPCC is torquing (and even corrupting) climate science…’
Deeply Concerned Chris Matthews Fears Climate Change Will ‘Create Trade Routes Across the Arctic Circle!’
Laugh Riot: The AMS claims ‘the world continues to warm’ Rebuttal: ‘That is why (warmist) scientists came up with the Chinese aerosol story to explain why the Earth is not warming’
Climatologist asks: ‘Why Hasn’t The Earth Warmed In Nearly 15 Years?
Laurens Bouwer, IPCC Lead Author Admits There Has Been No Significant Impact From Climate Change
German Geology Professor Rejects Claim Of Accelerating Sea Level Rise Made by Michael Mann
Warmists ‘Want To Control Every Aspect Of Your Life’: ‘What you eat, what you drive, where you drive, what you believe, what you say, what you can own, how many children you can have…’
AMS claims: ‘Oceanic temps are rising unabated’ — Reality Check: ‘All of variables affecting sea level in 2010 would necessarily have caused it to rise. Only it didn’t –sea level plummeted’
Devastating paper linked to UN IPCC’s ‘manufactured consensus’: The goal of UN is ‘consensus’ & it is ‘arrived at by intent’ — Process is ‘conspiratorial & irrelevant to our intellectual concern’