3 years after boasting that he would spend $300 million on a 3-year climate hoax campaign, Gore suggests that it’s the ‘deniers’ who have ‘millions of dollars to spend’
Joe Romm Exclusive! Romm gets emotionally erect that Gore will save us from ourselves! REPENT NOW!
Warmist Joe Romm Hysterical About The Drought – Blames It On Global Warming — But Romm being the charlatan that he is…’
June, 1934 – Global Warming Was Ubiquitous: ‘Warmists Romm and Masters would blow a gasket if this happened now’
A carbon tax will HURT future generations: ‘Each generation has had it better than the last. However, this may change as the government puts our economy on a tight leash’
Remember 2007, when the Arctic was going to be ice-free by 2012? Now that’s been pushed back until 2030
RealClimate.org asks: ‘Is Sea level Rise Accelerating?’ Real Answer: NO! — ‘Sea level has scarcely risen for the past eight years’
Scientific American Claims East Coast Sea Level Rise Fastest In 2,000 Years
U.S. Precipitation Shows No Correlation With Temperature: ‘The average temperature for the ten wettest years is 52.86. The average temperature for all years is also 52.86’
Latest Expert Research Completely Discredits UN IPCC Prediction That Global Warming Causes More Hurricanes