Hurricane Expert Dr. Bill Gray: On The Hijacking of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)
New Research: ‘Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Buildup Unlikely to Spark Abrupt Climate Change’
US Science Committee Asks UN IPCC to Implement Conflict of Interest Policy
Warmist Mark Lynas: ‘New allegation of IPCC renewables report bias’
Blah, blah, blah: Everything’s MUCH worse than we thought it was, say ocean ‘experts’ at a group ‘established by scientists with the aim of saving the Earth and all life on it’
Ocean scare report exposed: ‘This is not scientific research, it’s ‘grey literature’, put out by yet another grey institution, the true nature of which is concealed from first appearances’
BBC & AP Conned! ‘Expert’ Report on ‘dire’ state of oceans produced by ‘NGO lobbying outfit’ — ‘It was just a couple dozen eco-warriors in a room, chatting about their fears’
Analysis of Sediment Cores From Arctic Circle Region Determines Medieval Era Warmer Than Modern Period
Algae Research Confirms That North Atlantic During The 1990s Was Cooler Than 1920s-1930s
NASA’s James Hansen, ‘Clown – Or Criminal?’ ‘Hansen has been running around talking about catastrophic warming, hottest year ever, multi-metre sea level rise, death trains, extinction,…etc’